Health Center App
Process Site
Minna Friedlander & Jessica Rose
View our final prototype here:
Problem Statement
Cal Poly students are in need of a way to easily communicate with the health center. They need a better form of communication because they are unaware of the resources that the health center offers, and are unable to make appointments. They need to be able to do these things in order to reap the benefits that they are paying for so that they can get the most out of their college experience.
We believe that by creating an app for the health center that allows Cal Poly students to make appointments, communicate with doctors, view medical records, and have information about the health center's services, we will achieve a more efficient way to use the health center. We will know this to be true when we see shorter wait times and more student satisfaction with the health center process.
Competitive Analysis
Themes and Quotes
People know that the health center has a pharmacy but they go other places for medicine instead because they believe it’s cheaper off campus
The health center has a bad reputation and influences people not to go by word of mouth
“I wish the health center was available at night incase of an emergency. Their hours are inconvenient”
“I like the privacy that the computer sign-in provides”
“I honestly don’t really know how the pharmacy works and what kind of other things they provide.”
People say that the walk-in services take a long time
“Friendly staff”
Samantha is feeling sad and has no one around to talk to. She knows there is a health center on campus but doesn’t know anything about it. She hasn’t been to the health center yet because of it’s negative reputation, but is curious about the services it offers. Samantha decides to use the health center app. There she can find an in depth list of the resources and services it offers. After navigating the app for some time, she realizes there is a multitude of mental health services she can benefit from.
Jack is really sick and needs to see a doctor. He is tired of the long walk-in wait time at the health center. However, he heard that the health center recently switched from having more appointments instead of walk-ins so he decides to make an appointment through the health center app. Jack starts navigating the app and checks out the open appointments. He uses the health center calendar to see which dates have availability. After looking through the available times on various dates, he finds one that works with his schedule. Jack is relieved to see that he will be able to get an appointment with the health center later that day, and goes ahead and schedules it.
Ariel is really sick and can’t leave her dorm room. She needs help though, and wishes there was someone who could diagnose her symptoms. It’s late at night and the health center is already closed. However, she heard that the health center now has virtual medicine for after hours. Ariel opens her health center app and finds the health center contact information. She sees that there is a way to request a skype call with a doctor. She waits on the phone until a doctor is able to answer her call. From there, she is able to get a virtual diagnosis from a doctor.
Low-Fi Prototype
In order to visually understand the hierarchy of information, and how elements would be layed out on our app, we created a low-fi prototype.
Final Low-Fi Prototype
High-Fi Prototype
First Steps
When we were beginning to build our high-fi prototype, we first developed our own visions for the application. We each created a moodboard, logo, and high-fi prototype. Then, we came together and merged the best aspects of both of our ideas to create our final high-fi prototype.
Vision #1
Vision #2
High-Fi Version #1
High-Fi Final Version
Usability Test
Task #1:
You are sick in bed with a cold. The time is 6pm and the health center has now been closed since 4:30. Use the sort by tool to purchase some tylenol from the health center app
Task #2:
You are sick with the flu and don’t want to wait an hour to get an appointment at the health center. Use the health center app to make an appointment for 9:15 am on May 23rd.
Task #3:
You are sick in bed with the stomach flu. You need a doctor but it’s Sunday and the health center is closed. Use the health center app to skype call a doctor.
Task #4:
You’re feeling depressed and feel like you need help, but you’re not sure if the health center offers mental health services. Use the health center app to check if the health center offers these services.
Task #5
You just took a test for strep throat at the health center and now you want to check your results. Use the health center app to check your results.
Key Findings and Themes
● Users were a little confused by the homepage, since the notifications did not link to to
other pages in the app.
● “The home page didn’t look like a home page so it was confusing”
● Users were unsure if they had completed a task for tasks that did not have a
confirmation screen
● “It says it has been added to your cart, but where is my cart? I would like the ability to
edit my cart because what if I accidently clicked on an item without wanting it”
● “I didn’t know that skyping a doctor would be under contact”
● “I like how you can schedule appointments very easily, I thought it was very clear.”
● “I liked the calendar page”
● Users would recommend this app to their friends
● Users found the app to be pretty intuitive
● “The design is very sleek and intuitive”
● “I’ve never seen an app like this where you can purchase medicine and skype call a
doctor, those are some cool features”
Future Plans
In the future we plan to change some of our pages to make them look more user friendly. These pages include the resources page and the medical records page. These pages were very text heavy, so in the future plan to make them look more appealing for users.
Additionally we plan on adding a chat room where students could messages to doctors quickly. This would be additional feature when skype calling a doctor.